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Sir Elton John Taxes

By December 12, 2014November 26th, 2018No Comments

Well, it appears the taxman is no longer after Sir Elton John…

Well it appears the taxman is no longer after Sir Elton John.

As was disclosed in the Mail on Sunday on 29th October 2006 in the Companies House records of his holding company William A Bong Ltd, it was stated: – “Revenue & Customs have raised enquiries into the company’s tax return for 2004. It is not possible to predict the outcome of these enquiries and no provision has been included in these statements for additional liabilities.
The directors believe the company has sound arguments to refute the enquiries.”

Frank Presland, Sir Elton John’s manager and a Bong director said:-

“There is nothing unusual in this”.

KinsellaTax view point:

In the ’07 accounts no mention is made of the HMRC enquiries and it would be rather useful whilst we accept that the accountants make the report for the board of directors, they are published at Companies House and obviously people are interested to know what happened to the enquiry.
I have never understood why the accountants don’t make a note to say these enquiries have been cleared up to the satisfaction of all parties etc thereby leaving what appears to be a query over the accounting in the air so to speak.

However we wish Sir Elton John all the best on his continued good luck and needless to say if he has any further enquiries KinsellaTax would be delighted to deal with them on his behalf.